The pet becomes a guest

Spain is one of the European countries with more dogs, and even has more registered dogs than children under 14 years old. They are one more in the family, therefore, they also go on vacation.

There has been a tendency to travel with pets. Most establishments charge a supplement for it. More and more are adapting their offer with specific services, such as:

– Campgrounds: Being an open space, it has always been easier to include pets, but they have also increased their Pet Friendly seal, creating specific areas for them.

– Rural houses and villas: As they are usually fully rented, the inclusion of pets is easier, and they often have outdoor space where dogs can play.

–  Apartments: They are usually rented individually, but they are usually smaller spaces, where the common areas are shared with the rest of the apartments. In this case, they are adapted for all of them.

– Hotels:  Hotels in this case have been the last to adapt to this demand, but many of them have been able to see its benefits. Some of these places even offer additional services for pets, such as special beds, feeders and exercise areas.

In short, these new guests are here to stay, getting the Pet Friendly seal can give us considerable advantages, such as:

Customer attraction, differentiation, generation of additional income and improving the brand image.